

IHB Conducts Internal IP Audits

IHB conducted internal intellectual property audits on November 26, 2021 as part of evaluating the institute's intellectual property management system. (Credit: IHB)

The Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted internal intellectual property audits on November 26, 2021 as part of evaluating the institute's intellectual property management system, ensuring its efficiency and effectiveness, and standardizing the day-to-day management of intellectual property.   

A 14-member audit team reviewed and evaluated the operation of the IP system for 26 of the institute's research and administration departments, and provided recommendations on how to improve the operation.  

IP internal auditors are professionals within the institute who examine whether the IP management system complies with the "Intellectual Property Management Regulations of Scientific Research Organizations". They play a key role in implementing and developing IP standards in the institute. The institute trained 67 internal auditors in March 2019.