

IHB Holds First Part-time Correspondent Training 2022

HU Wei, deputy director of IHB, gave remark at the first training course for part-time correspondents, April 7, 2022. (Credit: IHB)

The Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences held the first training course for part-time correspondents on April 7, 2022. More than 60 people, including part-time correspondents from different research groups, attended the meeting.   

SUN Hui, public information officer of the institute, introduced the institute’s achievements in science communication, the construction of a part-time correspondent team and the relevant incentive mechanism.   

JING Huaiqiao, a reporter from the Hubei Correspondent Station of China Science Daily, gave an invited presentation on science news writing. Based on years of writing experience, Jing introduced the difference between news writing and essay writing, the key topics of science news selection, and so on.   

“Communicating science is as important as doing research. Doing a good job in science communication and developing a good science communication environment are conducive to the high-quality development of S&T innovation and the rapid transformation of S&T achievements,”said HU Wei, deputy director of IHB.   

He hoped the part-time correspondents would share science with the public and represent IHB.  

JING Huaiqiao, a reporter from the Hubei Correspondent Station of China Science Daily, gave an invited presentation on science news writing. (Credit: IHB)