

Aquatic Laboratory Animal Committee Elects New Leadership in Wuhan

ZHAO Hongxu, executive director of the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences, presented the plaque to LIANG Qiong, deputy director of IHB, marking the institute's designation as the supporting institution for the Aquatic Laboratory Animal Committee. (Credit: IHB)

On November 15, 2024, the Aquatic Laboratory Animal Committee of the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences convened a meeting at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to elect its fifth executive committee. The meeting was attended by over 30 committee members and representatives, including ZHAO Hongxu, executive director of the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences; LIANG Qiong, deputy director of IHB; and TANG Lijun, president of the Hubei Provincial Laboratory Animal Association. 

During the meeting, reports from the fourth committee were reviewed and approved, including the "Work Report of the Fourth Aquatic Laboratory Animal Committee" and the "Preparatory Report for the Fifth Aquatic Laboratory Animal Committee." In line with organizational needs, the supporting institution for the committee was officially designated as the Institute of Hydrobiology. ZHAO Hongxu presented a plaque to the institute, formalizing this designation.

Through anonymous voting, an eight-member executive committee was elected, with IHB Prof. SUN Yonghua appointed as chair. Professors ZHAO Chengtian of Ocean University of China, ZHANG Bo of Peking University, and XIONG Jingwei of Nanchang University were elected as vice chairs. Prof. Sun nominated Prof. YE Ding of the Institute of Hydrobiology to serve as secretary-general. 

Following the establishment of the new committee, Prof. Sun outlined the work plan for the upcoming term. Members engaged in a robust discussion on the draft "Fifth Committee Work Plan," focusing on key development areas and strategic initiatives. Contributions from Professors ZHAO Chengtian, ZHANG Bo, WANG Deshou of Southwest University, Prof. ZHOU Zhigang of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Prof. GAO Zexia of Huazhong Agricultural University provided constructive insights into expanding the application scope and research impact of aquatic laboratory animals.

In conjunction with the Fifth National Zebrafish PI Conference held from November 16 to 17, Professors ZHAO Chengtian and FEI Jifeng of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital organized the inaugural "Aquatic Laboratory Animal Summit Forum." Topics ranged from studies on aquatic animals such as tardigrades, sea squirts, amphioxus, rice field eels, cavefish, and salamanders, covering research areas like radiation resistance, immune training activation, cardiac development and evolution, central nervous system origins, cytoskeleton studies, fin spine development and evolution, sex reversal, limb regeneration, and ovoviviparity. The forum showcased cutting-edge advancements and future prospects in the field of aquatic laboratory animal research.

ZHAO Hongxu, executive director of the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences, presented the appointment letter to Prof. SUN Yonghua as the chair of the fifth executive committee. (Credit: IHB)

Prof. SUN Yonghua presented the appointment letter to Prof. YE Ding as the secretary-general of the fifth executive committee. (Credit: IHB)

On November 15, 2024, the Aquatic Laboratory Animal Committee of the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences convened a meeting at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to elect its fifth executive committee. (Credit: IHB)

Professors ZHAO Chengtian of Ocean University of China and FEI Jifeng of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital organized the inaugural "Aquatic Laboratory Animal Summit Forum." (Credit: IHB)