Fish Parasitologists from Czech Republic and Slovak Republic Visit IHB
IHB Signs Cooperation Agreement with Lake Biwa Museum
Dr.Sunja CHO from Pusan National University Visits IHB
Dr. Yang Yue from US Biotech Company Amyris Visits IHB
Prof. Konrad Dabrowski from Ohio State University Visits IHB
Experts from Institute of Aquaculture Torre de la Sal, Spain Visits IHB
Prof. LIU Yongding Elected as IAA Corresponding Member
Prof. Günter Langergraber from University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna visits IHB
Prof. Shuqun Zhang from University of Missouri-Columbia visits IHB
IHB Researchers Attend 2nd China-Canada Fish Physiology and Developmental Biology Symposium
Dr. Rebecca A. Zufall from University of Houston visits IHB
IHB Researcher Participates in 2014 New Zealand-China Scientist Exchange Programme
IHB Researchers Attend 17th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology
IHB Signs MoU with University of Ottawa
IHB Researchers Attend 16th International Symposium on River and Lake Environments